Budget Like a Boss


This an update blog on post I did earlier this year, a parents and carers support group, hosted by Vicky Vanderdale.

I met with Vicky earlier this year to discuss her new job role within Timeout. Vicky was very excited at the prospect of setting up monthly meetings for parents and carers, a support group so essentially they do not feel alone and they have a voice regarding their child. Vicky explained to me how hard it has been for parents especially thought the pandemic.

So the concept was fairly simple set up a support group where parents and carers can discuss and express how they are feeling and encourage them to open up and share their thoughts.

One of the group session has been working with our Chef Joel at Brearley Hall School and name “Budget like a Boss”.

Parents and carers participated in a cooking workshop. Joel cooked a nutritional, budget and family friendly using mince, cooking four different meals from similar ingredients. This showed the parents how to cook on a budget but also adding nutrition to their  children’s diet. Vicky informed me it was a  really successful session. With all parents responding really well to the knowledge and advice they were given.

One parent had said her child would only eat “beige” bland food , but this was not the case at school the young person would eat anything, so this parent now feels she can implement these cooking skills at home.

All in all it was a fantastic session and everyone involved is looking forward to the next group meeting.

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