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Unregistered Children's Homes

The recent alarming revelation of unregistered children’s homes in England calls for immediate action! As stated in a publication by the British Government, the number of illegal, unregistered homes accommodating children has seen an unsettling rise in the past year. Figures have soared from 700 to over 900 in just one year, and it's clear that such homes are being used more frequently.

These unregistered homes, typically lacking in quality standards, are not only illegal but a potential danger to our society's most vulnerable members. With no independent or regulatory oversight, the safety and well-being of these children are consistently put at risk.

Furthermore, a shocking 12% of children placed in these settings last year were subject to Deprivation of Liberty Orders, indicating that some of the most vulnerable children in care are being placed in these illicit settings.

Clearly, this is an issue of national proportions, with unregistered homes found across all regions. While this reality is heart-wrenching, it is also motivating. 

We, as a registered children's homes company of over 20 years must raise our voice and demand immediate action with help from the authorities. Let's work together to ensure these children get the care, safety, and nurturing environment they deserve.

Take a stand and join in the fight against unregistered children's homes now. Together, we can make a difference. 🙏 hashtag#ChildProtection hashtag#ChildrenRights hashtag#CallToAction


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